Annually Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc., receives and fulfills scholarship requests from young people around the country. Your participation in this tournament as a player and/or sponsor helps us, help the high school and college bound student with their financial obligations to support their education. Your support and/or participation makes a difference and we thank you for it.
Golfer (Single to Foursome)
$155 - $600
Unable to put a foursome or twosome together. Not to worry let us pair you with a group so you don't miss out on the fun, great food and even better golfing. Save your group $20.00 per person by forming your own foursome. Full payment and all names must be submitted at time of purchase to take advantage of the discount.
Ira Murray - 443-814-3771
Richard Smothers - 410-370-9061
Kevin Bennett - 443-438-5691
Frank B. Coakley Scholarship Sponsor
The Frank B Coakley scholarship sponsor includes your company logo listed on our sponsor banner, displayed on the golf course and the club house. Additionally, the sponsor will receive a complete hole sign package and (1) one complimentary foursome.
The Woodlands Golf Course
2309 Ridge Rd, Windsor Mill, MD 21244
Thursday, October 3, 2024 | 8:00AM sharp
This sponsor will receive signage on the tee box, at the 150 - yard line marker and on the green of the designated hole. Participating golfers are sure to remember this sponsor.
Tee Box Sponsor
During a golf tournament is a great time to promote/market your business or upcoming event while supporting the bottom-line objective of helping Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. to be in the position to support even more youth this year.